Lok Jagruti Kendra started L. J. Institute of Management Studies in 2001 with an intake of 40. It now has an intake of 300 – under the brand name of LJMBA.
It has over 10,000 strong alumni base (as in August 2024) which stays connected to the Institute through ‘Antarang – the LJMBA Alumni Association’ and its ‘ E-Journal’.
The "Quality Policy”, which recognizes the limitations of individuals and institutions and expresses the resolve to strive for achieving “ perfection within limits”.
FACULTY: 24 faculty members have Ph.D. degree; 7 others are pursuing Ph.d.; faculty publications include 29 books, 200+ research papers published in refereed national and international journals; 120+ papers presented at various national/international conferences.
STUDENTS: Besides 2 projects prescribed by the University (SIP and CP), the LJMBA has taken the following initiatives to involve students in research activities.
Vikalp - The Case Study Forum: This involves (a) identification, analysis and discussion of case studies in every class, and (b) data collection through visits to identified industries, data analysis and case writing by students of the first year divided in groups of 12 to 15 each under the guidance of a faculty member.
CRADLE [ C apability Recognition And Development Lessons for Entrepreneurship ]: This provides for (a) Interactive sessions with first generation successful entrepreneurs, (b) workshops for development of entrepreneurship skills, Bridge Workshops, and MDP workshops, and (c) Research Projects with SMEs.
ANTRAPRENEUR – The Business Incubator for entrepreneurship development and support by means of start-ups, incubation, investment and training by bringing together students and faculty and alumni of the L. J. Group of Institutes, , budding entrepreneurs, industrialists and mentors from across sectors
EXPLORE (Excellence in Practical Learning Over Real Encounter) to expose students towards the dynamics of corporate world making them understand various business processes through direct interaction at various manufacturing as well as the service sectors. This is a mandatory provision.
VIMARSH - the Forum for Group Discussion. It is an amalgamation of group discussion, debates and extempore speeches.
ARCHETYPE (The Management Model Competition) to bring out the creativity of students by enabling them to give a physical shape to the management concepts they learn in classes.
XCEL (X- cellent Cinema Enabled Learning ) to effect experiential learning through edutainment.
RE-INCARNATION (the Role Play) to sensitize the upcoming managers with hypothetical business situations.
PARIVARTAN and PRAYAS (Extension Activities) to inculcate among the future managers a sense of social responsibility through well planned activities.
MAX (the Marketing Excellence Series) to promote marketing skills among students through a series of interactions with successful marketing professionals from the industry and academia.
FINEX (the Finance Excellence Series) to strengthen the domain knowledge of finance and to expose students to practices in the arena of financial markets and services through a structured lecture series designed to include interactive sessions delivered by industry experts.
HREX ( the HR Excellence Series ) to expose students to the dynamics the HR field and help them understand and further strengthen various concepts of HR through direct interaction with HR experts.
LJCIA (L. J. C entre for International Affairs) , to provide international exposure to its students and the faculty on a regular basis. It is designed as a promoter and coordinator of activities of L. J. Group of Institutes at the international level.
Executive Personality Development Programme (EPDP) and Mock Interviews to prepare students for the corporate world.
Prashikshan – Immersion Programme for Managerial Skills Development.
Skill Development Add-on Certificate Courses.
Other unique features:
1. Student Mentorship Programme
2. Faculty Mentorship Programme
3. Regular Semester-wise Feedback on ‘The Quality of Teaching’
4. Annual Faculty Performance Appraisal System
5. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
6. Research and Consultancy Cell
Language Laboratory
8. Health Centre
9. Annual Academic Excellence Award (for faculty)
LJK has signed MoUs with the University of Bielefeld, Germany (2009), Universiti Utara Malaysia (2010) Herzing University, USA(2013), National Stock Exchange and Cambridge University(2016). The process for tie-up with other organizations is on.