Secured 5 Stars in GSIRF
Winners of SIRRAJ 2022
The event SIRAAJ 2022 was conducted by S .K. Patel Institute of Management & Computer Studies, Gandhinagar on 15/03/2022. In this context the students of Integrated MCA, Sem 8, LJ Institute of Computer Applications, Mehta Jeet Jayesh Bhai, Patel Akshit Jayesh Bhai, and GajjarJainish Ghanshyam Bhai, participated in the Intelligentia Event, which was a computer quiz. This event was having two rounds: Elimination round and Final round with four sub rounds. The elimination round was MCQ based, whereas the sub rounds in the final round were based on general knowledge based questions, identification of LOGO’s related to IT Sectors and Softwares, identifying popular persons based on the quotes they had given and Jumble words round. There were in total 25 teams who were the competitors in the event. The participant from LJ Institute of Computer Applications won the runners up in the said competition. They had a very good exposure and experience in the event. The students learned that if one is having a positive mindset, then it becomes very easy to conquer on anything. It is really a proud moment not only for the student participants but also for LJMCA.

Best Budding Star 2022 by Indian Stardom Awards
Dev S. Bhavsar has been awarded as the "Best Budding Star of 2022" by Indian Stardom Awards. He is pursuing B.Sc.(IT) from LJ University. He is a Published Writer and He is the Founder and CEO of "The Writers Alliance" (An International Writers Community and Publication) Which is registered under the MSME, Government of India. He is helping budding writers through his community by organizing Grand writing contests, daily writing challenges & Online Open Mic events. He is providing the platform of "The Writers Alliance" to talented people and making their work to reach a target audience and potential readers.