Director's Message
LJ Career Development Services has a dedicated and centralized training and placement cell across the LJ Group of Institutes – LJ INDUSTRY INTERACTION & PLACEMENT CELL (LJIIPC).
The Objective of the IIPC is to reduce the gap between industry expectations (practice) and academic offerings (theory) by direct involvement of industry to attain symbiosis.
All the Stakeholders, namely: Institutions, Industry, Students and Society stand to gain as it can be a win-win partnership. The cell has a team of student coordinators from all institutes and branches, who are selected through a detailed process of personality analysis and are further trained to be dynamic leaders of IIPC.
Exhaustive training is provided to the students which comprise of training session/workshop on various technical and non-technical grounds. Mock aptitude tests, mock interviews, lectures by Industry experts, Industry visits and various other techniques are used to make a student “Industry Ready” and get exposure on the current scenario in the Industry...Test1
Prof. Manish Gaharwar,
Career Development Services,
LJ Group of Institutes/ LJ University