Prof. Zarana Barot

M.E, B.E

Area of Interest

Digital Communication, Wireless Communication, Microprosessor, Optical Communication

Majors Degrees

  •  M.E. Digital Communication - RTU(2011-2014)

  • B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering -GU(2007-2010)

  • Total academic experience is of 9 years.  

Graduate Level
  • Basic Electronics,Digital Electronics,Micro-controller,Microprosessor,Digital Communication,Optical Communication,Wireless Communication,Wireless Communication

Seminars/Workshop Conducted

  • NA

Research Papers 

  • Zarana Barot, Anil Kumar Sharma,” Modelling and Simulation of Physical Layer of IEEE 802.22 Over A Multipath Fading Channel,” International Journal of Computer Engineering &Technology (IJCET), Online ISSN:0976- 6375&Print: ISSN:0976-6367, VOL.4, Issue-5, sep-oct 2013, PP.91-98. [Impact Factor (2013):6.1302]

  • Zarana Barot, Anil Kumar Shama,’IEEE-802.22 Standard Physical Layer: An Overview. ‘Proceedings of International conference on Advanced Engineering and Technology (ICEAT), Published by Institute of Technology and Research, Goa, pp.52-57,06 Jan 2012

  • NA