Prof. Vishal Kuril

M.E, B.E

Date of Joining: 01-July-2022

Nature of Association: Regular

Area of Interest

Computer Aided Process design, Heat transfer, Mass Transfer, Advanced Separation Techniques, Pyrolysis, Waste water Treatment, Nanotechnology, Membrane preparation and its characterization, Biofuels & Biodiesel

Majors Degrees

  • M.E- Chemical Engineering(CAPD) – GTU (2020-2022)

  • BE - Chemical Engineering – GTU (2016-2020)

  • Total academic experience is of 1.5 years.

Graduate Level

  • Advanced Separation Processes, Chemical Process Plant Design & Economics, Computer Aided Process Synthesis, Material & Energy Balance Computations, Mass Transfer Operations 

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • Participated in the International Conference of Academic Institutions (Vibrant Gujarat Summit-2022) at Ahmedabad.

  • Participated in the two-day refresher program on usefulness of chemical engineering fundamentals for non-chemical engineers.

  • Participated in the two-day National Seminar on Innovative Technologies in Chemical Industries organized by IICHE, Ankleshwar Regional Centre. 


  • Supritam Dutta, Vishal Kuril, “A Review: Forward Osmosis applications in the concentration of delicate/sensitive compounds” 74  Annual Session of the Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers (CHEMCON-2021), December 2021.  

  • Dr. Yogesh Rotliwala, Hiren Sojitra, Piyush Modi, Vishal Kuril, “Bioplastics from food waste” at the 15th Students Chemical Engineering Congress ‘SCHEMCON 2019’, October 2019. 

  • Dr. Himanshu Patel, Hardik Sailor, Kevin Koyani, Vimal Bhuva, Vishal Kuril, “Treatments of Textile Wastewater Using Bentonite Process" was presented at the National Conference on Green Chemistry in March 2018 at the Pacific School of Engineering in Surat. 

  • Secured 1st position towards abstract-submission of dissertation/thesis on Cleaner Production & Clean Technology under Interlinking of Industries, Academia, and

    Government of the year 2022-23. 

  • Secured 5th place under the guidance of Dr. Yogesh Rotliwala in the selection of an abstract for a dissertation on Cleaner Production and Clean Technology under the Interlinking of Industries, Academia, and Government for the academic year 2020-21 by GCPC, Gandhinagar. 

  • Obtain a grant of 58,000 rupees from the Gujarat government's SSIP.