Prof. Tejas Thakkar

M.E, B.E

Area of Interest

IoT, Python, Digital Electronics 

Majors Degrees

  • M.E- VLSI & Embedded System Design – GTU (2011-2013)

  • BE - Electronics & Communication Engineering -Saurashtra University (2005-2009)

  • Total academic experience is of 10.5 years.

Graduate Level
  • Basic Electronics, Digital Electronics, Digital Logic Design, Electronics Workshop, Electronics Device & Circuits, Analog Circuit Design, Microprocessor & Interfacing 

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • Attended the Workshop on VLSI Technology and Tools organized by GTU 

Research Papers 

  • Research Paper Published in International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA), ISSN:2248-9622, Vol.3 Issue 3, May-Jun 2013, pp.609-611 on topic “Building Management & Automation System”.

  • Bagged 2nd  Rank in ‘Model Building’ event held at AITS, Rajkot. 

  • Worked as a Core Committee Member in the Technical as well as Cultural events organized at Ahmedabad Institute of Technology.