Prof. Swati Patel


Area of Interest

Communication Engineering, VLSI

Majors Degrees

  • M.TECH.  Electronics & Communication Engineering -RGPV(2010-2013)

  • B.E.  Electronics & Communication Engineering -HNGU(2005-2009)

  • Total academic experience is of 10  years.

Graduate Level
  • Element of Basic Electronics ,Advance Electronics, Communication Engineering, Optical fiber Communication, Control Engineering, Digital Processing System,

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • NA

Research Papers 

  • Paper entitled “MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation Spatially Fading Channels ”published International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies E-ISSN No: 2249 – 8974, Volume No. II, Issue No. I (Oct-Dec,2012)

  • Paper entitled “An Efficient comparison of MIMO OFDM Channel Estimation Algorithm” Paper published in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2013 (ISSN 2229-5518)

  • NA