Prof. Sagar V Chokshi

M.E, B.E

Area of Interest

Production Engineering(Mechanical),Industrial Engineering

Majors Degrees

  • Master’s (ME) in   IC-AUTO - GTU(2019-2021) 

  • Bachelor’s (BE)  in Mechanical Engineering -GTU(2011-2014)      


Online Certified Courses

  • Mechanics of Materials I:Fundamental of Stress and Strain and Axial Loading-Coursera-Aug-2020

  • Intelligent machining-Coursera-Jul-2020

  • Introduction to thermodynamics: Trasferring Energy From Here to there-Coursera –Jun-2020

  • Material Science:10 Things Every Engineer Should Know-Nov-2017

  • Manufacturing Process-I and II by IIT, KNPUR-NPTEL on Jan-April-2018.

  • Total academic experience is of 9 years.  

Graduate Level
  •   Manufacturing Process-I, Manufacturing Process-II,Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Measurement and Metrology, Measurement ,Instrumentation and control in Automobile, Rapid Prototyping, Advance Manufacturing Process, Control Engineering

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • Design Engineering workshop conducted By GTU (2016)  

  • 6 DAYS FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM on Introduction to SolidWorks, 1-7 Jul 2020 at LJIET 

  • 14 DAYS FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM on Introduction to Computer Programming using Java, 1-16 July 2022 at LJIET

  • 15 DAYS FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM on Introduction to Python Programming, 1-19 Jan 2022 at LJIE

Research Papers 

  • NA

  • NA