Prof. Prayag Patel
M.E. B.E
Date of Joining: 1-July-2016
Nature of Association: Regular
Area of Interest
Processing, Artificial Intelligence,
Data Structures, Operating System, Computer Organization and Architecture,
Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Theory of computation
Majors Degrees
Ph.D. Pursuing - LJU (2020 Batch)
M.E. in Computer Science and Engineering - GTU (2011-2013)
B.E. in Computer Engineering - HNGU(2006-2010)
Total academic experience is of 11.5 years.
Graduate Level
Computer programming and Utilization, Computer Organization and Architecture, Data Structure, Operating System, Analysis and Design of Algorithms, Theory of computation, Artificial Intelligence.
Seminars/Workshop Conducted
A Workshop Conducted on” Windows phone” at Saffrony Institute of Technology on 13th August 2014
Seminars/Workshop Attended
A seminar attended on” Cyber Crime and Information Security” at Sankalchand Patel Engineering college on 25th August 2012.
A Workshop attended on” Software Testing a Practical Approach ” at L.D. college of Engineering on 1st December 2012.
Research Papers
A Brief Survey on Video Authentication, International Journal Of Scientific Research(IJSR), February 2013
A New Technique for Video Surveillance, Indian Journal of Applied Research (IJAR), June 2013.
A Brief Survey on Digital Image Watermarking Techniques., International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering (IJTRE), March- 2014.
Simulation and performance evaluation of AODV protocol against black hole attacks in MANET. International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research. (IJETR), May- 2014.
A Review on Video Authentication and Statistical Feature Detection. Indian Journal Of Applied Research(IJAR), January 2015.
A Video Authentication Based on SVM Classification and Scale Invariant Features of Video Frames. International Journal for Scientific Research & Development (IJSRD), May 2015.
Awards & Achievements