Prof. Pooja Vyas


Date of Joining : 01-July-2024

Nature of Association: Regular

Area of Interest

Machine Learning, Neural Network

Majors Degrees

·         Master  in  Computer Engineering - GTU(2012-2014)

·         Bachelor   in Computer Engineering -GU(2007-2011)      

Online Certified Courses

·         Data Science Hands-on with Open-source Tools (IBM) 

·         Data Structures Basic Concepts (Udemy) 

·         Introduction to relational database and SQL (Coursera) 

·         Programming for everybody-Python (Coursera) 

·         Agile Software Development (Coursera) 

·         Programming fundamentals with JavaScript, HTML, CSS (Coursera) 

·         100 days of code – python (Udemy) 

·         NPTEL – Programming in Java 


  • Total academic experience is of 6 years.  

Graduate Level

Data Structures, Java, C, Operating System, Cryptography and Network Security

Seminars/Workshop Attended

FDP in NPTEL – Programming in Java

Research Papers 

  • “A Survey on multi-label data classification algorithms”, IJRTS, January 2014

  • “Multi-label classification using augmented neural network” ,IJFTET, June 2014

  • NA