Prof. Nikunj Shingala

M.E, B.E.

Area of Interest

Image Processing, IOT, Digital communication

Majors Degrees

  • M.E. Communication System Engineering - GTU(2009-2011)

  • B.E.  Electronics and Communication -GU(2005-2009)      

Online Certified Courses

  • Linear Circuits 1: DC Analysis by Georgia Institute of Technology-COURSERA on Aug-2020.

  • AI For Everyone by DeepLearning.AI-COURSERA on July-2020.

  • Electric Power Systems by University at Buffalo- COURSERA on June -2020.

  • Introduction to Electronics by Georgia Institute of Technology-COURSERA on June-2020.

  • Total academic experience is of 11 years.

Graduate Level
  • Fundamental of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Basic Electrical Engineering, Basic Electronics, Internet of Things.

Seminars/Workshop  Conducted

  • Workshop on Internet of Things -LJIET-LJU (31-oct-23 to 8-Nov-23)

  • Workshop on Internet of Things -LJIET-LJU (6-Dec-22 to 6-Dec-22)

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • Attended One Week Coordinator workshop on “Signals And Systems”(IIT Khargpur, STTP, 30-9-2013 to 4-10-2013)

  • Attended One Day interactive workshop for Remote center coordinator(IIT Bombay, Workshop, 29-11-2014) 

  • Attended Analog electronics(MBICT, IIT Khargpur, Workshop, 4-6-2013 to 14-6-2013)

  • Attended One day workshop on  Antennas, RF Circuits and Satellite Communication(ADIT,Workshop, 25/08/2012)

  • Attended One day regional seminar on “XXI Century: Priorities in technical and Higher Education” (Charutar Vidya Mandal, Seminar, 3-8-2011)

  • Attended ISTE approved training of trainers course on Digital signal processing and its applications (BVM, Workshop, 13-5-2013 to 17-5-2013)

  • Attended Two-day workshop on Virtual DSP Labs and Reconfigurable Hardware design (Marwadi Education Foundation, Rajkot, Workshop, 23,24,December,2011)

  • Attended Three Day Workshop on Microcontrollers & Interfacing (BVM, Workshop, 18/01/2013 to  20/01/2013)

Research Papers 

  • Dental Contour Matching By Optimal Thinning For Human Identification”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-2015.

  • Dental Image Matching By Canny Algorithm for Human Identification”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, Volume-4 Number-4 Issue-17 December-2014. 

  • Smart Vehicle Security System Using GSM & GPS”, International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 6 June 2015. 

  • New Approach To Hide Color WatermarkUsing Wavelet Transform”, International Conference on Information, Knowledge & Research in Engineering, Technology & Sciences (ICIKR-ETS-2012) .

  • Nikunj Shingala, “A Novel Image Compression Algorithm Using Multi Scale Curvelet Transform And Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Trees Coding Technique” (ICEICE, International, 2011 ) 

Research Papers 

  • Dental Contour Matching By Optimal Thinning For Human Identification”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, January-2015.

  • Dental Image Matching By Canny Algorithm for Human Identification”, International Journal of Advanced Computer Research, Volume-4 Number-4 Issue-17 December-2014. 

  • Smart Vehicle Security System Using GSM & GPS”, International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242 Volume 4 Issue 6 June 2015. 

  • New Approach To Hide Color WatermarkUsing Wavelet Transform”, International Conference on Information, Knowledge & Research in Engineering, Technology & Sciences (ICIKR-ETS-2012) .

  • Nikunj Shingala, “A Novel Image Compression Algorithm Using Multi Scale Curvelet Transform And Set Partitioning In Hierarchical Trees Coding Technique” (ICEICE, International, 2011 )