Prof. Nidhi Seta

M.E, B.E

Area of Interest

Web Development/Full Stack Development

Majors Degrees

  • M.E. Information Technology-GTU(2013-2015)

  • B.E. Computer Engineering-GTU(2008-2012)

  • Total academic experience is of 1.7 years.  

  • Total industrial experience is of 3.5 years.  

Graduate Level
  •  Full Stack Development, Web Development

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • Completed training course of four months on PHP Web Development at S. P. Technolab Pvt. Ltd, Ahmedabad.

  • Participated in workshop on "Android Application Development" organized by L.D. College Of Eng. in associated with Gujarat Technological University on 30th July 2011 &6th Aug, 2011.
  • Participated in C & C++ workshop conducted on 15-16th March, 2010 at Kalol Institute of Technology & Research Center by KYPES community.
  • Participated in SWF Pathsala (Animation) Workshop at “SAMANVAY 2009” at L.D. Engineering College.

Research Papers 

  • Paper published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology (IJIRT) 2014 (SAC-ISRO).

  • NA