Prof. Komal Langalia

M.E, B.E

Area of Interest

Data Structure and Algorithms, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Full stack development - JAVA and JavaScript

Majors Degrees

  • M.E in Software Engineering – GTU (2017-2019)

  • B.E in Computer Engineering – GTU (2012-2016)

Online Certified Courses

  • 2021 Complete python bootcamp from zero to hero in Python by Udemy Issued May 2021

  • Selenium WebDriver with Java - Basics to Advanced+Frameworks by Udemy Issued May 2021

  • Selenium WebDriver with Python - from scratch+Frameworks by Udemy Issued May 2021

  • The Science of Well-BeingThe Science of Well-Being by Coursera Issued May 2021

  • Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Master University Issued May 2020

  • Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) by University of Michigan Issued May 2020

  • Python Data Structures by University of Michigan Issued May 2020

  • Elite Class Certificate for Design and Analysis of Algorithm by NPTEL SWAYAM Issued Nov 2019.

  • Total academic experience is of 5 years.

Graduate Level
  • Programming for problem solving (PPS) using C programming language, JAVA – I, Python, Database Management System, Data Structures, Algorithms, Theory of  Computations, Web development using HTML, CSS, Java Script

Seminars/Workshop Conducted

  • Machine Learning workshop in GEC, Gandhinagar - 2020

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • Attended 3 days of workshop on Android Development in IIT Bombay 2015. 

  • 1-day workshop on Arduino by JaySo Labs – 2016

  • 1-day workshop on Ethical Hacking by professional hacker Ankit Fadia - 2015

  • Short term course of GIAN: Dependable Computing & Understanding Dependability and Fault Tolerance and Implications. - 2018

Research Papers 

  • Comparative analysis of Zig Bee with other wireless technologies : A Survey in International Journal of Advance Engineering and Research Development (2017) 

  • Classification Techniques for sentiment mining: A Survey in Journal of Applied Science and Computations (2018)

  • GTU Gold Medalist in Masters’

  • Three-time GATE Qualified with decent rank – 2017, 2019, 2020

  • Multiple internship and mentoring in famous companies like GeeksforGeeks, Gradeup by Byju’s, Unacademy etc.

  • Dewang Mehta IT Award-TOP RANK 2015 by Dewang mehta foundation Issued May 2015

  • Dewang Mehta IT Award-TOP RANK 2013 by Dewang mehta foundation Issued May 2013