Prof. Jagruti Patel

M.E, B.E

Area of Interest

Digital Electronics, Robotics, VLSI, Power Electronics

Majors Degrees

  •  M.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering –GTU(2010-2012).

  • B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering -SGU (2005-2009).

  • Total academic experience is of 10 years.  

Graduate Level
  • Digital Electronics, Theory of Computation, Basic Electronics, Maths-1, Micro-Processor, Micro-Controller, Image processing, Wireless communication, Digital signal processing

Postgraduate Level
  • Advanced Signal Processing

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • The International seminar on “Offshore Wind Power Potential of Gujarat”, held on February 1, 2014 at PDPU, Gandhinagar

  • FDP -  “Electronics devices and Pedagogy Overview” – IEEE-IIT Gandhinagar – 5 Days-13th to 17th November 2013

  • “Free space Laser communication and Advanced FSO Systems” – GTU, Chandkheda- 2 Days workshop – 14th-15th September, 2013

  • “Wire and Wireless Networks simulation using NS2” – SCET, Surat and IEEE Gujarat Section – 2 Days workshop – 5th and 6th April,2013

  • “Basics of Research Methodology” – Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, vadodara – 1 Day workshop  –1st September,2012

  • STTP - “ Research trades in Embadded systes, VLSI Designing and power Elecronics”- Parul Institute of Engineering and Technology, vadodara – 3 Days – 16th to 18th October, 2011

Research Papers 

  • Image Watermarking using Spatial Domain Technique to make it more Robust and Cropping, IJSRD-International Journal of Scientific Research and Development (Volume 1, Issue 11, January 2014) ISSN(Online): 2321-0613

  • Implementation and Analysis of satellite Image Enhancement, 5th National conference on “EMERGING VISTAS OF TECHNOLOGY IN 21ST CENTURY” organized by Parul Institute of Engineering and Techology, Vadodara on 4th and 5th April 2014.

  • A Review on Image Watermarking using Spatial Domain Technique, 5th National conference on “EMERGING VISTAS OF TECHNOLOGY IN 21ST CENTURY” organized by Parul Institute of Engineering and Techology, Vadodara on 4th and 5th April 2014.

  • “Visual programming language for Educational robot”- International Conference on Research and development in Engineering, Technology and Sciences, 7th April 2013, ISBN: 978-81-906220-8-0

  • Review on Easy to implement visual Programming Language for Educational and Industrial Robot- National Conference on “Power system, Embedded system, Power electronics, Communication, Control and instrumentation”, 9-11 January, 2012, PEPCCI-2012, ISBN: 978-93-81286-06-7

  • “Digital Echo Canceller”- National Conference on “Power system, Embedded system, Power electronics, Communication, Control and instrumentation”, 9-11 January, 2012, PEPCCI-2012, ISBN: 978-93-81286-06-7

Book Published

  • “Visual Programming Language For Educational & Industrial Robot” – Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany – September 2013 – ISBN: 978-3-659-41952-2


  • Elecronic Menu Card – Application Number: 3645/MUM/2014 – Application Date:19/11/2014

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