Prof. Dhruvi Bhatt

M.Tech, B.E

Area of Interest

IOT, Web Design, Computer Networks

Majors Degrees

  • MTech in Computer Engineering - JNU(2019-2021)

  • B.E.  in Computer Science & Engineering - GTU(2008-2012) 

  • Total academic experience is of 10 years.

Graduate Level
  • JAVA, DS WITH JAVA, DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS,DS WITH C, GRAPH THEORY AND COMBINATORICS,Machine learning, asp dot net, computer networks, full stack development, operating system, effective technical communication, principles of economics and management, software engineering, ANSI C, Web Development, Web Programming

Seminars/Workshop Conducted

  • Computer Networks

  • Dot net hands on

  • C++ Hands on

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • Android – One week workshop at Gandhinagar (5th July to 12th July 2018)

  • FDP- DE-Ahmedabad -One week (2nd July to 10th July 2018

Research Papers 

  • NA

  • NA