Ms. Purva Joshi

M.Sc, B.Sc

Area of Interest


Awards & Achievements
  • NA

Majors Degrees

  • MSc in Mathematics- GU (2013-2015)

  • BSc in Mathematics -GU (2010-2013)                                        

Online Certified Courses

  • Differential Equations Part 1 Basic theory by KAIST-Coursera on July-2020

  • Matrix Algebra for Engineers by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology-Cousera on July-2020

  • Differential Equations for Engineers by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology- Cousera on July-2020

  • Mathematics for machine learning: Linear Algebra by Imperial College, London-Coursera on July-2020

  • Programming for everybody (Getting started with Python) by University of Michigan-Cousera on Jan-2021

  • Total academic experience is of 8 years.  

Graduate Level

  • Calculus, Vector Calculus and linear Algebra, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Complex Variable and partial differential equations, Mathematics 1, Mathematics2

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  •  Mathematics: A practical approach in Science and Technology by DIEMS (28 th June to 3rd July 2020)

  • Exploring Microsoft Teams: An online teaching platform by AISSMS (15th July 2020)

Research Papers 

  • NA