Ms. Mansi Vaishnani

M.Sc, B.Sc, B.Ed.

Area of Interest

Applied Mathematics


Research Papers 

  • NA

Majors Degrees

  • B.Ed. in Mathematics/Science - GU (2013-2014)

  • M.Sc. in Pure Mathematics - GU (2011-2013)

  • B.Sc. in Mathematics - GU (2008-2011)

  • Total academic experience is of 10 years. 

Graduate Level

  • Calculus, Vector Calculus and Linear Algebra, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Complex Variables and Numerical Methods, Numerical and Statistical Methods for Civil Engineering, Mathematics – 1, Mathematics – 2, Probability and Statistics, Complex Variables and Partial Differential Equations, Introduction to Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, Discrete Mathematics.

Seminars/Workshop Conducted

  • NA

  • NA