Ms. Irmi Saiyed

B.E – IT

Area of Interest

Programming, Information Technology, Data Structures, Software Engineering

  • B.E. in Information Technology - GTU(2019-2023)      

    Online Certified Courses

    ·         AI for Everyone – COURSERA on July-2020

    ·         Technical Support Fundamentals – COURSERA on May - 2021

    ·         JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures – FREECODECAMP on October-2021

    ·         Responsive Web Design – FREECODECAMP on October-2021.

    ·         JAVA Programming – GREAT LEARNING on November-2021.

    ·         Quantitative Aptitude Basics – GREAT LEARNING on April 2022.

    ·         Cloud Computing Basics – NASSCOM FOUNDATION on March 2023

    ·         Android App with Python – GREAT LEARNING on May 2023.


·         Total academic experience is of 18 years


·         Total industry experience is of 1 year.  

Graduate Level

·         Information Technology, MERN Stack, Data Science, Flowchart and Algorithms, JavaScript, JAVA Programming, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Mathematics. 

Seminars/Workshop Attended

·         IOT Workshop – one day workshop on 7th December 2019

·         Python Workshop – three days workshop (20th to 22nd January)

·         Women Development Cell organized by GTU on 28th October 2021

·         Full Stack Web Development Session Workshop on 3rdApril 2022



                    • Project of Inventory Management System using Django

                    • Project of E-Commerce using MERN Stack.