Mr. Meet Savani

M.Sc. B.Sc. Mathematics

Area of Interest

Algebraic Structures, Graph Theory

Majors Degrees

  • M.Sc.  in Pure Mathematics-St. Xavier’s College (2019-2021)

  • B.Sc. in Mathematics-St. Xavier’s College (2016-2019)

  • Total academic experience is of 2 years.

Graduate Level
  • Discrete Structure and Graph Theory

  • Partial Differential Equation, Probability and Statistics

  • Discrete Mathematics

  • Applied Mathematics

Seminars/Workshop Attended

  • National Conference on Mathematics Science (2019)
  • Mathematical Modelling and Application of Mathematics in Engineering (2019)
  • Basic Python Programing for Mathematics (2022)

Research Papers/Articles  

  • NA

Research Papers/Articles  

  • NA