Dr. Kilambi Pundarikakshudu
Emeritus Professor
(Ph.D., M.Sc. (Pharmacology), M.Sc.(Botany),M.A.(English) B.Sc.)
Area of Interest
Pharmacy, Pharmacognosy, Herbal Technology, Ayurvedic formulations
Majors Degrees
Online Certified Courses
Professional Experience
Professional Services
Board of Studies, North Gujarat University, Patan
Research Development Committee, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
S e l ect i o n c o m m itt e e m e m b f o e r p ro f e ssor in p h ar m a cog n o sy a t Rohtak University, Haryana
Selection committee member for selection of Assistant Professors and lecturers at Nirma University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Selection committee for selection of Assistant professors,Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar.
Government funded projects: 3
Industry sponsored Projects in the college:
Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh;
Madras University,Chennai;
Kadi Vishwa Vidhyala, Gandhinagar,
North Gujarat University, Patan;
Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar,
Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad;
Nirma University, Ahmedabad;
Charutar University, Changa.
Bharatiar University, Cloimbatore.
Director, Avance Phytotherapies Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad Keynote address delivered: 4
Invited Lectures at various symposia and conferences: 25.
Subject Taught
Editorial Work
Editorial Work
Editorial Board memberandreviewerfor JournalofAdvanced Pharmaceutical Research, India
Editorial Board member and reviewer for Indian Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology India.
Editorial board member and reviewer for Indian Journal of Pharmacology for three years
Reviewer Indian Journal of Pharmacology
Reviewer for International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Reviewer for A.O.A.C. International
Reviewer Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Reviewer Journal of Planar Chromatography
Re vi e w e r A f r i c a n Jou r n a l o f Microbiology Research
Reviewer Pharmaceutical Biology
Reviewer Pharmaceutical Development and Technology
Reviewer Pharmaceutical Technology Europe Magazine
Reviewer Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly (CI & CEQ) Belgrade, Serbia.
Reviewer African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Reviewer Indian Journal of Natural Products
Reviewer International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases
Reviewer Issues in Biological Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research.
Reviewer British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Reviewer for European Journal of Medicinal Plants
Reviewer for Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Re vi e w e r A f r i c a n Jou r n a l o f biotechnology
Reviewer Plant Foods for Human Nutrition
Reviewer Springer Nature Journals
Research Papers
Articles Published
Jignesh Doshi, Bhushan Trivedi: A Quick Look at Data Redaction, Security, Computer Society of India (CSI) Communication, August 2016
Jignesh Doshi, Bhushan Trivedi: Penetration testing - A Thirst for Web Application Security Risk Mitigation, Security, Computer Society of India (CSI) Communication, August 2015
Jignesh Doshi, Bhushan Trivedi: A Quick Look at Virtual Private Database Security, Computer Society of India (CSI) Communication, November 2014, Page 36-37
Fundamentals of Computers I: University Granth Nirman Board
Programming in C – I: University Granth Nirman Board
Operating Systems: Thakur Publications