Tech Star 2022 IMCA, LJKU
L.J. Institute of Computer Applications, IMCA department organized the TECH-STAR 2022 event that was held on 14th December 2022. This event is for Semester 1 students to enhance their technical skills and find technically sharp students. Around 100 students participated in the event. This event consists of 2 rounds. The 1st round is elimination, and the 2nd round is relay competition of C and HTML Programming. The judges are from Industry to judge their coding. Judges’ are glad with the students’ performance and appreciate them. Students enjoyed the Tech- Star 2022 event. TECH-STAR 2022 the participants who secured 1st position are Bhisti Almas and Pathan Wasim ahmed, 2nd position are Kush and Hardik and 3rd position are Anand Yadav and Britant Sharma. The event concluded successfully with certificate and prize distribution.

Garba Celebrations program Msc.IT, LJKU
Garba a religious and social event of Gujarat and is celebrated every year at LJKU campus, to give respect to Goddess Ambe (Durga). In this context, a Garba Program for students has been arranged by LJ University on 10/10/2022 between 3:00PM to 6:00PM on the occasion of Sharad purnima. All the students participated with traditional dresses for the celebrations. More than 100 students participated in the event. Students danced with lots of enthusiasm and contributed to the celebrations of this traditional program. The best performers have been honored with gifts. The faculty members accompanied the students and made this ceremony a grand celebration and memorable.

Orientation program Msc.IT Sem I, LJKU, 2022
Needless to say, that LJ University organizes inaugural programs for welcoming the new joined students regularly. Thus on 23/07/2022, the students of M.Sc.(IT), Semester-I, have been greeted to the LJ campus. The program began with lamp lighting, followed by Ganesh Vandana. Besides the regular activities, the winners of different competitions like the toppers of M.Sc.(IT), semester1 and 2, the best learners of Coursera, the Environmental Science Model contest, Website Design contest have been awarded by Honorable Director, LJ School of Computer Applications, Prof. Alok Manke, Director of LJ Industry Interaction & Placement cell (LJIIPC), Prof. Manish Gaharwar and honorable HOD, Dr. Jignesh Doshi. Also as a part of appreciation, Mr. Dev Bhavsar who has recently made one world record for writing one poem has been awarded in the program. One of our alumni Mr. Abhinav shah, Gold medalist of Masters of Technology in Cyber Security and Incident Response, currently pursuing his Ph.D. from National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU), has been invited to the said event. He had also shared his ideas with the freshers. The students have been addressed by all the eminent guests of the day. The envent was successfully completed with a total attendee of 220 students including parents, faculty members, office staff and senior students.

Tree plantation program, 2022
Tree planation is one of the regular programs, in which Lok Jagrutikendra University is always actively participating and executing every year. Even lots of students have shown their enthusiasm in this regard since long. Thus, in a tree planation program by Honourable MLA of Vejalpur Vidhasabha, Ahmedabad, Mr. Kishore bhai chauhan, on 5th June 2022, the MSc IT students and faculties have been participated. Also the four municipal cooperators of sarkhej ward had joined the program. The trees have been planted in the LJ Campus road. Both the students and faculties contributed their part in the program by planting and watering the trees in the said area. Around 100 members from MScIT, LJKU were part of this program.

Writing Contest at LJKU
Communication skill is one of the essential skills for any student for succeeding not only in academics but also in every sector of life. Without this skill the professional life would lost, and for this reason writing has to be integrated into the students learning phase. Thus it is the duty of a pupil to focus in this area. Thus Lok Jagruti Kendra University (LJKU) has organized one writing competition from 06/08/2022 to 10/08/2022, on the occasion of 75 th Independence Day. The theme of the writing was “India after 100 years of independence”. The contest was organized and managed along with the Writers Alliance team. The founder of the writers Alliance, Mr. Dev Bhavsar took the initiative for the contest. The competition was carried out for the entire campus, and was conducted in three different languages: Gujarati, English and Hindi. The first winners of each language, has been honored with cash prizes and certificates. The program was attended by Prof. Alok Manke, honourable director, LJSCA (LJ School of Computer Applications), LJKU, Prof. Manish Gaharwar, honorable director, LJIIPC (LJ Industry Interaction & placement Cell), Dr. Jignesh Doshi, honourable COE (Controller of Examination), LJKU and HOD of MScIT, LJSCA and Dr. Bhavin Shah, honorable HOD, Integrated MCA, LJ School of computer Applications and few more faculties of LJSCA. The program was hosted by Dr. Anuradha Acharya, Assistant Professor, MScIT,LJSCA. The program was successfully carried out with huge audience.
Workshop on TEDxVasna
The TEDxVasna, is a program of local people together to share a TED like experience, where x = independently organized TED event. The program was held on 12th December, 2021 at LJ University campus, Ahmedabad. In this respect the students of MSc-IT, LJ University, department, joined the program to hear 8 renowned speakers namely Mr. Arun Krishnamurthy, Ms. Bhargsetu Sharma, CA CS Fenil Shah, Ms. Kinjal Rajpriya, Mr. Snehal Desai, Ms. Radhika Sharma, Ms. Pankti Pandey and Mr. Akash Trivedi. They shared their views on “Sustainable environment, Sustainable Development and Sustainable Life”. The speakers shared their personal and professional view points, and how they have implemented sustainability in their life, be it for travel, corporate environment, animal rescuing or in space programs and many more. Many key features were highlighted during the talk show, as to how to implement sustainability in our own life, by being nature friendly, avoiding use of plastic bottles, shifting to zero waste living, eco- friendly travels, to avoid using and buying excess items which are not required for basic living. The speakers gave their life examples as to how they implemented the sustainability in their own lives. The 8 great speeches were followed by a standup comedy and a small concert, performed by 3 LJ University students themselves, what a wrap for the amazing evening! It was really amusing to learn how sustainability is no longer a concept, but is implemented by a wide range of people, who are willing to inspire youths to follow the same, thus, making the world a better place to live in.

Basketball Tournament, VIAJE
Karrnavati University organised VIAJE, in which Basketball Tournament was organised as an inter college tournament. It was a 3 day tournament, from 30th of March, 2022 to 1st of April, 2022. Various teams from various colleges, both boys and girls participated. Students of MScIT, LJKU were being one of them. Janhvi Agarwal was the team captain for the girls from LJKU. The tournament was tough, with lots of strong opponent teams, and our team fought with pride and sportsman spirit in each match. With lots of support from the Coach, and the college management team, the participants played to their fullest. Despite not being the winners, they played with smile on their faces, with no pressure, and applied everything they had learned from everyday coaching.

Program on orientation of DBMS
As per the new curriculum and market demands, management of LJKU decided to go for an orientation program for subjects before their commencements. Accordingly an orientation program on the subject of DBMS was conducted at LJMCA auditorium under the supervision of honorable HOD, MScIT, Dr. Jignesh Doshi , for MScIT, sem II students on 07/04/2022. At first Dr. Doshi addressed the students regarding the importance of DBMS, and made the students understand the practical implementation of it in the real scenarios. Other faculties like Dr. Anuradha Acharaya, Prof. Pooja Gandhi and Prof. Sarfaraj Patel tried to make the things clear to students in relevance to the subject in the program. Also the students have been intimated that they are supposed to submit one single assignment covering the entire syllabus of DBMS, on or before the day of theory exam besides the daily assignments which is optional. More than 200 students had attended the program. The program in fact had an impression on the student mindsets to have a clear image of the context and to get ready for the learning sessions of the subject.
Workshop on Laravel
Laravel is a framework used primarily for building custom web applications using PHP. Among various frameworks available in PHP, Laravel has retained the top position on the list of top PHP MVC frameworks. Looking into this and the requirements of the course curriculum, a 2 day’s workshop has been organized for MScIT, Sem IV students by LJKU. The workshop was conducted by Dhruvin Prajapati, the technical expert, Starup- KARBH IT Solutions. The students could able to perform all the CRUD operations beginning from the installation of Laravel. The students were found to be very enthusiastic during the learning session. Around 96 students attended the workshop, making it a successful one.
Program on Advanced Communication Skills
Communications skills development is an important module to be learned by students not only for academic success but also for cracking interviews. Further it is essential for leading a very good carrier. Thus in this regard, as a part of course curriculum, a 10 days Advanced Communication Skills program, was conducted by LJKU, for MScIT, Sem II students between 14/02/2022 to 25/02/2022, under the guidance of Prof. Alok Manke, Honourable Director,LJKU. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Jignesh Doshi, Honourable HOD, MScIT,LJKU. The program was coordinated by Dr. Anuradha Acharya and Ms. Aafrin Julaya. The main mentors of the learning module were Mr. Sailesh Thakkar and Mr. Prajit Kaboo The program had around 240 student participants. In order to help the students to improve their vocabulary, the program included some important videos like speech by Swami Vivekananda and the student were explained the meanings of the words from the speech, from time to time. The students were also being told to give speech and this is the way how the students learned a lot of new words. Further some listening activities were carried out for enhancing the listening skills of the students. Beyond this some other activities like Group discussions, Book reviews and handling surprise tasks were part of the entire learning package for the students. The program really boosted the confidence level of students.

A visit to the Blind Association
As a part of the communications and skills activity, the students of MScIT, Sem I, LJKU visited the Blind Association, IIM road, Ahmedabad on 23/03/2022. Students met the manager Mr. J.T. Panchal and the principal Mr. Manubhai Chaudhary of the association. The students explored the whole campus, visited the charity hut, research and development building, music room, food court, computer lab and the dark room. They met the faculty of computer lab, who depicted the softwares NVDA and JAWS, that are being used for the blind students for communications purposes. The journey through the dark room, where it was not possible to see anything even with open eyes, made the students to visualize the real conditions and problems of a blind person. The students even interacted with the blind people and tried to understand their actual situations. The activity motivated the students to design for a voice recognition system that can be helpful for the blind people for a better communication.

Women’s Health Awareness
The seminar is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 08 March-2022 as Women’s Day celebration. Name of the keynote speaker is Dr. Riddhi Nanda(Nutrition Consultant). There are various things students learned through this seminar such as they are aware about healthy diet and daily routine to maintain their health.

ASP.Net Workshop
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 1 January 2022. Name of the keynote speaker is Virendra Parmar. There are various thing students learned through the seminar. Students able to develop full-fledged software project in emerging technology ASP.Net with C# and SQL Server as backend.

Deep Learning using Matlab webinar
Image enhancement and extraction of useful information from images in an optimal manner has become a kind of necessity and has shown its importance in various sectors in health care systems, remote sensing, robot vision, pattern recognition and many more. Also importance and applications of machine learning is seen and felt by all in these days. Looking into this, a webinar on “Getting started with Image Processing and Computer Vision with MATLAB & Simulink”, was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 29 th December, 2021, for IMCA sem VIII students. The seminar was conducted by Mr. Dhiraj Jagpat, Application Engineer, DesignTech System Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad. The session included image processing with deep learning concepts. The webinar was coordinated by Dr. A.Anuradha and Dr. Jignesh Doshi. Around 60 students attended the seminar.

Event on Indian Constitution
The Constitution of India is the supreme law of the country. This refers to the document that includes the fundamental political code, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles, and the duties of citizens. It is very important for all to be well aware of it, being the document that ensures that the decision makers are fairly representing the public opinion. Especially the youth, the future of India must have fair knowledge about the subject and thus have been included in the curriculum of MScIT, Sem III students, LJKU. As a part of practical exposure, an event was conducted in this regard, where students actively participated under the guidance of faculty members CS Chaitali Jani,Asst. Prof. Ripal Gupta, Asst. Prof. Foram Patel and Asst. Prof Yashwant D Bohra. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Jignesh Doshi, Honourable HOD, MScIT, LJKU. The topic for the Parliamentary Debate was: “Right to Privacy Bill”.Students played different roles like: Vishal Parmar:- Prime minister, Muskan Mathakiya:- Speaker, Mariyam Saiyed:-Member of opposition party, Shruti Vaghela:- Member of opposition party, Rushi Nayak:- Main speaker of parliament, Jay Marathe, Aleena Rehman, Sahil Lakhani :- Supporters of ruling party. Students enthusiastically played their roles making it a successful one.

Vaccination Drive for students
Though it has been seen that youngsters are usually having less symptoms of corona virus, but some have been hospitalized and have faced even death. Thus vaccine to prevent corona virus disease (COVID-19) is perhaps the best hope for dealing with the current pandemic. COVID 19-vaccines are effective and can reduce the risk of getting and spreading of the virus. Seeing this demand, a “Vaccination Drive for the age group of 15-18”, was organized by LJKU on 7 th January, 2022, for all the students. Out of total 400 students who have been vaccinated, 50 students were from MScIT, Sem I, LJMCA, who availed this opportunity. Till now 90% of the students of MScIT have been vaccinated. With the cooperation of Honorable director, Prof. Alok Manke and Honorable HOD, Dr. Jignesh Doshi the vaccination program was successful. Students also were very satisfied and shown their willingness and had their vaccination.

Environment Activity, Msc.IT, LJKU
Environmental education connects us to the world around us and imparts knowledge about the current situation and future prospects of nature. It raises awareness of issues impacting the environment and also teaches students to explore all the problems related to the environment, and engage in wise ways of preserving it. LJKU has organised 2 days event on 15th November and 16th November 2021 As a part of Environmental studies. Event was organised in 2 parts. On Day-1 students gave presentation on several topics. On Day-2 students presented charts and models on various topics like Global warming. Greenhouse effect , Acid rain, Rain water harvesting , deforestation, pollution and many more. Total 130+ students have participated in this group event. 45+ charts and models were presented to highlight the topics. Program was organized by Mrs. Lajja A. Shah. Honorable director Prof. Alok Manke, Honorable HOD Dr. Jignesh Doshi and the faculty members joined this event for encouraging the students.

Tree Plantation Program, Msc.IT, LJKU
The contribution of trees is not unknown to anyone in the current scenario of global warming. Everyone is well aware of why it is so important to save trees. In this context as a part of syllabus of the subject of Environmental Science, a tree plantation program was organized by LJ University with the help of management and the gardeners of the campus for MScIT, Sem I students on 30/10/2021. The program began with a debate session by few students. Following this the students planted and watered around 35 trees of margosa (Neem), Royal Poinciana (Gulmohar), Night Jasmine (Parijat) and Arecanut (Supari) in the college premises. The students also took oath for ensuring the nurturing of the plants. The program was organized by Dr. A. Anuradha. Honorable director Prof. Alok Manke, Honorable HOD Dr. Jignesh Doshi and the faculty members joined this event for encouraging the students. In total 130 students participated in the event.

Communication Skills Program, Msc.IT, LJKU
Bridging the gap between academic learning and the corporate world is a mandatory activity to place the students in the right place and to build up their career. Thus, a 5days program on “Advanced Communications skills on LSRW”, as a part of grooming the students from the campus to corporate level, has been organized by LJ University between 04/10/2021 to 08/10/202, for the students of MScIT, Sem 3. The training program was executed by the expert Mr. Shailesh Thakkar. The program included the training on the four pillars of LSRW .i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Accordingly, under listening and viewing, advanced film and appearing for test, under speaking, group discussion, role play, debate, extempore, under reading, reading paragraphs and under writing, preparing SOP (State of Purpose writing) have been carried out. Students were empowered, became more confident and open to speak in the public, put up strong opinions on various topics and also could able to participate in discussions with courage. Honorable director Prof. Alok Manke and honorable HOD Dr. Jignesh Doshi encouraged the students with their valuable presence in the program.
Communication Skills Program, Msc.IT, LJKU
In today’s world the importance of communication skill can be felt in “Relationship development by effectively understanding others”. However if we can think it from student’s perspective, it plays a vital role in the academic success of a pupil.
Thus as a part of course curriculum, a module of
5 days
program on “Communication Skills” has been conducted by
LJ University
for the students of
MScIT, Sem I.
Around 133 students participated in this training program. The program was on various aspects
like body language, overcoming stage fear, nervousness, pronunciation, English grammar, verbal and non verbal communications, thus motivating the students in presenting themselves confidently in front of others. At the last day the program ended up with the examination of the students on the said program. In total 133 students participated in the learning program. Honorable director Prof. Alok Manke and honorable HOD Dr. Jignesh Doshi encouraged the students with the motto of learning communication skills enthusiastically.

Garba Celebrations program Msc.IT, LJKU
Garba being a traditional program of Gujarat is celebrated every year to give respect to Goddess Durga at LJKU campus. In this context, a Garba Program for students has been arranged by LJ University on 15/10/2021. As a part of Navratri celebrations, all the students gathered in the garden in front of MBA-MCA building of LJ Campus. Students came with traditional dresses for the Garba celebrations. Around 200 students participated in the event. The event was conducted from 3-5 p.m. Students danced with lots of enthusiasm and contributed to the celebrations of this traditional program. The faculty members accompanied the students along with the Honorable HOD Dr. Jignesh Doshi as family members and made this ceremony a grand celebration.

Axure RP webinar
User interface design is one of the important and complex activities of SDLC approach of Software Engineering. Design is to go for the blueprint for the structural aspects of any website, and especially the aesthetic design is very important for the user point of view. Different tools are available for making this phase more interesting through prototypes. Axure RP is the Rapid Prototyping software that makes the designing more interesting and ease. Thus to make the students aware of such an emerging tool, a webinar was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 5th June 2021 for IMCA sem IX and sem VII students. Around 82 students joined the webinar and learned practically how to design the screens.
Wireframe webinar
Design is an important activity which shows how to proceed further with coding. Besides the backend design, front end design is a very important process to be carried out. Wireframe being a simple black and white blueprint that focuses purely on a site’s structural elements, a webinar was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 29th May 2021 for IMCA students, both for sem IX and sem VII. Around 100 students joined the webinar and learned practically how to design screens.

NMAP and Netcat webinar
Network security and hacking is one of the biggest problems and hot topic on which, much research work is also going on. Network administration, finding vulnerabilities, discovering of hosts, penetration testing and hacking are some of the important activities being carried out regularly. Thus it is one of the prominent areas to be understood by the emerging minds. Thus, a webinar was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 12th June 2021, titled “NMAP and Netcat” for IMCA sem IX and sem VII students. Around 80 students joined the webinar and learned practically how to solve various Network related issues using NMAP and Netcat.

Forensic Tools webinar
System problems are the toughest and the most important problems to be resolved without which none of the other works can be performed. In this respect, a webinar was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 12th June 2021, titled “Forensic Tools” for IMCA sem IX and sem VII students. Around 80 students joined the webinar and learned practically how to solve various system related problems using Hiren’s CD.

Orientation program Msc.IT Sem III
To ease the transition into college for the students is very important. Familiarity with the college environment can help the students in developing a deep connection with the studies and to establish the network among the students. With this intension, an orientation program was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications, LJ University on 2nd Aug 2021 for MSc.IT Semester III students in the auditorium, LJMCA. The dignitaries on the dice were Prof. Alok Manke, Director, LJMCA, Dr. Jignesh Doshi, Dr. Bhavin Shah and Dr. Monica Gahalawat and Prof. Manish Gaharwar, Director, IIPC.
MATLAB workshop
A webinar program titled “Get Started Artificial Intelligent with MATLAB” was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 23rd May 2020 for final year students of Integrated MCA, MCA students. The workshop was conducted by DesignTech System Pvt. Ltd and was coordinated by Prof. A. Anuradha, LJMCA. In this webinar the speaker covered topics like Artificial Intelligence including Machine learning and Deep learning, fundamentals of MATLAB and Simulink using MATLAB. More than 44 participants were there in this webinar. At the end of workshop question and answer session was conducted, where participants actively contributed in it.

HTML Hackathon
LJ MCA has organized hackathon for the students who are about to start their journey in software industry. It is the best experience to be innovative and transforming the thoughts into design. The hackathon was conducted on 21st July,2020 at LJ Campus in MCA building. Almost 115 students had participated. The event was divided into two parts first round and second round(Final). Winners like first, second and third were given 5000, 3000 and 2000 rupees prize money respectively.

Android Workshop
A workshop was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 06th July 2020 for Integrated MCA, Sem V and VII students. Prof. Sarfaraj Patel, Assistant Professor, LJICA was the keynote speaker. Around 80 students got benefited by the workshop. The motive behind the workshop was to make students comfortable in developing latest android applications using advanced development tools.
WordPress Framework Webinar
The webinar is organized on 22 July 2020. Name of the keynote speaker is Prof. Ankur Dey There are various thing students learned through the webinar such as benefits of WordPress Framework, how to Install, about WordPress features & how it works and difference between WordPress and Magento
Android workshop
The webinar is organized on 06 June 2020. Name of the keynote speaker is Prof. Sarfaraj Patel There are various thing students learned through the webinar such as benefits of developing Android application, how to Install, about Android Studio’s features & how it works and how to build your own Mobile Android Application.
Magento(E-commerce Platform) workshop
The webinar is organized on 04June 2020. Name of the keynote speaker is Dr. Ashishkumar Parejiya. There are various thing students learned through the webinar such as Benefits of using Magento, how to Install, features of Magento, and learned how to build your own e-commerce Website in Magento.

Data Structures Webinar
The webinar is organized on 27 July 2020. Name of the keynote speaker is Prof. Varsha Shah. There are various thing students learned through the webinar such as insert, update and delete in file and sorting using linked list in C language.

Placement Activity
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 27 July 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Manish Sir
Placement head of L.J. College. There are various thing students learned through the seminar such as Communication Skills, Basic Criteria for Placement, Life Skills

Workshop on Project Development using PHP and MySql
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 20 July 2019. Name of the keynote speakers are Harshad prajapati and Bhavin Kalal, Student of L.J.M.C.A. College. Students able to kick start of IMCA semester 5 project through this workshop.

Seminar on Mitacs
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 21 Aug 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Vrushank Sir
student of L.J. Engineering College. There are various thing students learned through the seminar such as how to Apply for Mitacs, Document Required for Mitacs, Internships Covers

Teacher’s day celebration
This was big event of the previous semester. There are nearly 40 students became a teacher on that. On 5th sep regular session conducted by the students with the guidance of faculty members. Even price given to the participants and best teacher of the day by faculty members. For the selection of best teacher of the day they used parameters like punctuality, communication skill, etc. Faculty members contributed for the lunch of the students who participated.

Workshop on Digital Marketing
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 14 Sept 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Ujjval Sinh Bihola, student of L.D. Engineering College. There are various thing students learned through the workshop such as Basic of Web Development, How to Use Domain & Hosting, Wordpress, Digital Marketing, SEO, Social Media Marketing.
Laravel Framework Training
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 14 December 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Lajja Shah & Dhruvin. There are various thing students learned through the seminar such as Insert Data, Update Data, View Data, Delete Data and Basic knowledge of Laravel Framework.

Java Workshop
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 14 December 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Dr. Bhavin Shah. There are various thing students learned through the seminar which helped them to develop JAVA project.

YII Framework Training
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 13 December 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Alok Manke, director of L J MCA. There are various thing students learned through the seminar such as Insert Data, Update Data, View Data, Delete Data and Basic knowledge of YII Framework which helped them to develop PHP project.

Report Design Training
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 12 December 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Shanti Verma. There are various thing students learned through the seminar such as objective of project, requirement determination, role of users.

PHP Training
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 09 December 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Rinkal Sardhara. There are various thing students learned through the seminar such as Insert Data, Update Data, View Data, Delete Data and basic knowledge of PHP.

Database Training
The workshop is organized at LJMCA auditorium on 10 December 2019. Name of the keynote speaker is Urja Mankad. There are various thing students learned through the seminar such as Overview of Database, keys, Create table, Insert data.
Automated Testing Workshop – Selenium
Automated Testing plays an important role in software development and software testing. Thus a workshop was arranged by LJ Institute of Computer Applications on 14th Sep 2019, where the key note speaker was Mr. Darshit Pandya, where the students not only learned about the concepts of testing but also learned how to maintain documents both in terms of manual testing and automated testing.

Agile Modeling Workshop
A workshop was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 17th September 2019 for MCA, Sem IV students. The workshop was conducted by Dr. Jignesh Doshi, Associate Professor, LJMCA. The workshop was arranged to give the students an exposure of the agile documents and their use for software development and tracking of software projects. The workshop was attended by 50 students.

Laravel Framework Workshop
A workshop was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 5th and 6th July 2019 for MCA, Sem V students under the assistance of Prof. Lajja Shah, LJMCA. The workshop was arranged to give basic knowledge about MVC based framework to the students in the superior fields so that they can be able-bodied with the recent trends in the IT profession. Around 155 students got benefited by the workshop.

Big Data Tools Workshop
A workshop was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 06th April 2019 for MCA, Sem IV students under the guidance of visionary director Prof. Alok Manke and with the assistance of Prof. Jignesh Doshi. The key speaker by Dr. ASHISHKUMAR PAREJIYA is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science, Indus University, Ahmedabad - 382115, Gujarat. The workshop was arranged to brush up the students in the superior fields so that they can be able-bodied with the recent trends in the software profession. Around 120 students got benefited by the workshop.

Placement Empowerment Program Workshop
A workshop was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on “Placement Empowerment Program”, between 16th January 2020 to 19th January 2020, for Lateral MCA, Sem IV students. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Sailesh Thakker and his team, an “Advisor” with TRIFED, a government of India enterprise and was coordinated by Prof. A. Anuradha, LJMCA. The workshop was intended to prepare the students for facing interviews without any hindrance. Around 40 students got placement training through the workshop which included mock interviews and Group discussions and many more.

UML Modeling Workshop
A workshop was organized by LJ Institute of computer Applications on 18th September 2019 for MCA, Sem IV students. The workshop was conducted by Prof. Sangeeta Ralole, Assistant Professor, LJMCA. The workshop was intended to make the students understand the use of UML diagrams in Software Engineering. All the UML diagrams like Class diagram, Use Case diagram, Activity diagram and Sequence diagrams have been covered in detail. The workshop
was attended by 40 students.