Dr. Srishti Banerjee(PT)
MPT, Neurology
Area of Interest
Neurology , environmental physiotherapy , physiotherapy in mental health
Majors Degrees
Master's of physiotherapy in neurology
Bachelor's in physiotherapy
Master's of physiotherapy in neurology
Bachelor's in physiotherapy
Certifications and online courses
Certified taping therapist
online course on vestibular rehabilitation.
Certified in sensory integration
Certified in muscle energy techniques
Certified taping therapist
online course on vestibular rehabilitation.
Certified in sensory integration
Certified in muscle energy techniques
5 months of clinical experience
3 years of academic experience
Subjects taught : Undergraduates
Exercise therapy 1&2
Electrotherapy 1 &2
Physical and functional diagnosis
Physiotherapy in neurological conditions
Physiotherapy in medical and surgical conditions
Workshop & FDP
Seminars and webinars conducted
Environmental physiotherapy for Parul university , Physio trendz and Ahmedabad institute of medical sciences (AIMS)
Assessment and management of peripheral nerve disorders for Mahatma Gandhi physiotherapy college
Physiotherapy in mental health for Physiotrendz
Physiotherapy and enviromental sustainability for physioplus.
Environmental physiotherapy for Parul university , Physio trendz and Ahmedabad institute of medical sciences (AIMS)
Assessment and management of peripheral nerve disorders for Mahatma Gandhi physiotherapy college
Physiotherapy in mental health for Physiotrendz
Physiotherapy and enviromental sustainability for physioplus.
MOOC Courses developed
Sustainable healthcare and environmental physiotherapy on physioplus
Sustainable healthcare and environmental physiotherapy on physioplus
Journal/Conference/Chapter Publication
Book and chapter publication
Rehabilitation in peripheral nerve lesions
Chapter contribution: aquatic therapy in the book titled as physiotherapy in medical and surgical conditions , Jaypee publishers
Rehabilitation in peripheral nerve lesions
Chapter contribution: aquatic therapy in the book titled as physiotherapy in medical and surgical conditions , Jaypee publishers
Journal publications
Physiotherapy and behavioral techniques in management of posttraumatic stress disorder in health-care workers amid COVID pandemic
Mitigating the environmental impact of NSAIDs - physiotherapy as a contribution to One Health and the SDGs Srishti Banerjee and Filip Maric
Essentials for sustainable physiotherapy: Introducing environmental reasoning into physiotherapy clinical decision-making
Effect of combining transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation with exercise regime on spasticity and upper extremity function following chronic middle cerebral artery stroke
Immediate Effect of Non Ballistic Active Knee Extension in Neural Slump Position Versus Muscle Energy Technique on Hamstring Flexiblity in Young Adults-Comparitive Study Srishti Bipul Banerjee , Sadhana Mukhi
Can pre-operative physiotherapy reduce the carbon footprint of hospitals?
Neuroplasticity an overlooked essential in low back pain rehabilitation in JOSPT
Impact of COVID-19 on the nervous system , physiotimes
cuboid syndrome , physiotimes
Sleep Disturbance in patients with spinal cord injury- etiology, effect on QOL and management ,physiotimes
neuroplasticity a camouflaged cardinal in ACL injury, Physiotimes
Physiotherapy and behavioral techniques in management of posttraumatic stress disorder in health-care workers amid COVID pandemic
Mitigating the environmental impact of NSAIDs - physiotherapy as a contribution to One Health and the SDGs Srishti Banerjee and Filip Maric
Essentials for sustainable physiotherapy: Introducing environmental reasoning into physiotherapy clinical decision-making
Effect of combining transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation with exercise regime on spasticity and upper extremity function following chronic middle cerebral artery stroke
Immediate Effect of Non Ballistic Active Knee Extension in Neural Slump Position Versus Muscle Energy Technique on Hamstring Flexiblity in Young Adults-Comparitive Study Srishti Bipul Banerjee , Sadhana Mukhi
Can pre-operative physiotherapy reduce the carbon footprint of hospitals?
Neuroplasticity an overlooked essential in low back pain rehabilitation in JOSPT
Impact of COVID-19 on the nervous system , physiotimes
cuboid syndrome , physiotimes
Sleep Disturbance in patients with spinal cord injury- etiology, effect on QOL and management ,physiotimes
neuroplasticity a camouflaged cardinal in ACL injury, Physiotimes
Achievements & Affiliaction
Executive Board member - Environmental physiotherapy association
Gujarat State Council for
Executive Board member - Environmental physiotherapy association
Gujarat State Council for
Notable Achievements
Editor of journal rivista neurology
Editor of TMR non drug therapy
Editor of journal rivista neurology
Editor of TMR non drug therapy