Dr. Srishti Banerjee(PT)

Dr. Srishti Banerjee(PT)


 MPT, Neurology 

Area of Interest

Neurology , environmental physiotherapy , physiotherapy in mental health


Majors Degrees

  • Master's of physiotherapy in neurology

  • Bachelor's in physiotherapy

Certifications and online courses 

  • Certified taping therapist 

  • online course on vestibular rehabilitation.

  • Certified in sensory integration 

  • Certified in muscle energy techniques 

  • 5  months of clinical experience 

  • 3 years of academic experience

Subjects taught : Undergraduates 

  • Exercise therapy 1&2 

  • Electrotherapy 1 &2 

  • Physical and functional diagnosis 

  • Kinesiology

  • Electrodiagnosis 

  • Physiotherapy in neurological conditions

  • Physiotherapy in medical and surgical conditions

Seminars and webinars conducted 

  • Environmental physiotherapy for Parul university , Physio trendz and Ahmedabad institute of medical sciences (AIMS)

  • Assessment and management of peripheral nerve disorders for Mahatma Gandhi physiotherapy college

  • Physiotherapy in mental health for Physiotrendz

  • Physiotherapy and enviromental sustainability for physioplus.

MOOC Courses developed 

  • Sustainable healthcare and environmental physiotherapy on physioplus

Journal/Conference/Chapter Publication

Book and chapter publication  

  •  Rehabilitation in peripheral nerve lesions

  • Chapter contribution: aquatic therapy in the book titled as physiotherapy in medical and surgical conditions , Jaypee publishers

Journal publications 

  • Physiotherapy and behavioral techniques in management of posttraumatic stress disorder in health-care workers amid COVID pandemic 

  • Mitigating the environmental impact of NSAIDs - physiotherapy as a contribution to One Health and the SDGs Srishti Banerjee and Filip Maric

  • Essentials for sustainable physiotherapy: Introducing environmental reasoning into physiotherapy clinical decision-making

  • Effect of combining transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation with exercise regime on spasticity and upper extremity function following chronic middle cerebral artery stroke

  • Immediate Effect of Non Ballistic Active Knee Extension in Neural Slump Position Versus Muscle Energy Technique on Hamstring Flexiblity in Young Adults-Comparitive Study Srishti Bipul Banerjee , Sadhana Mukhi

  • Can pre-operative physiotherapy reduce the carbon footprint of hospitals? 

  • Neuroplasticity an overlooked essential in low back pain rehabilitation in JOSPT

  •  Impact of COVID-19 on the nervous system , physiotimes

  • cuboid syndrome , physiotimes

  • Sleep Disturbance in patients with spinal cord injury- etiology, effect on QOL and management ,physiotimes

  • neuroplasticity a camouflaged cardinal in ACL injury,  Physiotimes 


  • Executive Board member - Environmental physiotherapy association  

  • Gujarat State Council for 

Notable Achievements

  • Editor of journal rivista neurology 

  • Editor of TMR non drug therapy